Friday 30 June 2023


A 46-YEAR-OLD man of Siambizi area under Chief Makoma in Binga, Matabeleland North Province was found hanging in his bedroom hut after he was accused of impregnating his 12-year-old stepdaughter.

The tragic incident occurred on Wednesday evening when Mkhokheli Munengi used a wire to hang himself.

Circumstances are sometime August 2021, the now deceased’s step daughter went to the police and reported that she had been raped by one of the villagers only identified as Mugande.

It is reported that on 26 June she went back to the police station and changed the statement claiming that it was her stepfather the now deceased who had allegedly raped her.

It is further reported that on 28 June and at around 6pm when the police visited the now deceased’s homestead with the intention of arresting him they were shocked when they found his lifeless body hanging from his bedroom hut.

Makho Mumba (48), cousin to the now deceased said Munengi visited him on the fateful day in the afternoon and told him that he was in deep trouble.

He reportedly told him that his life had come to an end and he wanted to kill himself.

Matabeleland North police spokesperson Inspector Glory Banda confirmed the incident.

Inspector Banda urged the public to quickly report such cases to the police and avoid settling them as a family as that will end up affecting children’s justice. B Metro


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