Friday 9 June 2023


A 26-YEAR-OLD man from Matsheumhlophe suburb in Bulawayo escaped a 24-month jail term when he was ordered to perform 420 hours of unpaid work after he was found guilty of bedding a 14-year-old girl he claimed was his lover.

Tyson Maseko appeared before Bulawayo regional magistrate Vivian Ndlovu and pleaded guilty to having sexual intercourse with a young person.

He was sentenced to 24 months’ imprisonment and 12 months were suspended for five years on condition of good behaviour.

The remaining 12 months were further suspended on condition that he performs 420 hours of community service at ZRP Hillside.

While handing down the sentence, the magistrate considered that the accused was a first offender who didn’t waste the court’s time when he pleaded guilty to the charge.

“The accused apologised to the court and he claimed that he was in love with the victim and wanted to marry her.

“However, cases like these make children vulnerable and expose them to diseases and teenage pregnancies,” charged Ndlovu.

The court heard that on 18 March and at around 6pm, Maseko went with the victim to his house in Matsheumhlope suburb.

At around 9pm, the two retired to bed and Maseko made the victim undress and they had sexual intercourse with her consent.

The next day, at around 5am Maseko and the juvenile had sexual intercourse again.

He only stopped after the minor girl complained that it was now painful.

The matter came to light the following day when the girl returned home.

Upon arrival she was questioned by her parents where she had been and that is when she revealed that she had slept at Maseko’s place.

The matter was reported to the police.

The victim was referred to the hospital for medical examination and a medical report was produced in court as evidence. B Metro


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