Monday 19 June 2023


A CHIKURUBI female inmate yesterday admitted that she deserves to be in prison for terrorising her community and family members.

Irene Chiwashira said this while narrating her tale before a congregation at the Apostolic Faith Mission in Zimbabwe (AFM) Living Word Tabernacle assembly.

She was sentenced to 33 years for entering people’s houses and stealing large sums of money.

“Allow me to start by thanking prison Chaplain officers for changing my miserable life,” said Irene. I was a nuisance to my community and to my family members as well due to some evil spirits.

“Ndakabira vanhu vakawanda vanosanganisira mapurisa chaiwo.

“I remember my first release from Chikurubi Female Prison going home.

“When I was about to pass through Support Unit police camp, I sensed, through evil spirits, that there was a house where large sums of money were being kept.”

She added: “I asked my other four released inmates to wait for me and I unlawfully entered the camp and managed to get away with more than a thousand United States dollars.

“I joined my counterparts, and we spent the money in town and I later went to Kadoma where I stole US$15 000 and helped my relatives in settling their debts and other needs.

“I went on to steal US$17 000 and groceries and that is the case that took me back to prison.”

She said the evil spirits guide her to commit the crimes.

“Panezvandinonzwa mandiri zvinondizivisa kuti apa panemari uye bag iro rinemari yakawanda.

“I want to believe that prison officers have done a lot in delivering me from this.

“Vamwe vanoti dzavo mhosva ndedzekupomerwa asi dzangu ndakapara uye jeri randibatsira kuti ndishanduke pakushungurudza vanhu nekuba.”

Another inmate Mitchel Chishuro, of Southley Park, said she was jailed for assault and theft.

“My life has changed, and I am appealing to be accepted back into the community as a new creation,” she said.

Faith Makura said she targeted private schools where she would get away with laptops and cash.

“I used to be go to church, attending services but I would steal,” said Faith.

“There is need for the church to help in delivering us from our sinful ways.

Prison officers have been helping us a lot in receiving Christ,” said Faith. H Metro


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