Thursday 29 June 2023


CCC member Mr Misheck Manyere, who defied his party and filed his nomination papers for the Marondera Central Constituency, has refused to withdraw his candidature, ignoring the party’s 24-hour ultimatum for him and others to do so.

The party endorsed Mr Caston Matewu as the candidate for the constituency for the August 23 harmonised elections, but Mr Manyere believes he is the one who was selected by the CCC’s controversial selection panel to represent the party.

Mr Manyere and Mr Matewu then successfully filed their nomination papers, a decision that has exposed the senior party officials for their preference of a hugely discredited candidates selection system.

 Over 40 candidates defied the CCC and filed their nominations under the party banner, resulting in some constituencies and wards having two or three CCC candidates.

This was after the secretive candidate selection system under which party leader Nelson Chamisa single-handedly selected his croonies to stand on the party ticket became chaotic. The selection was so chaotic to the extent that the candidates who had been listed as having a chance of representing the party only knew their fate almost at the close of the nomination court.

This resulted in the CCC candidates literally invading nomination courts throughout the country when they realised time was running out, forcing Zimbabwe Electoral Commission officers to spend hours after the official closing time attending to them.

The CCC has now threatened legal action against candidates who filed their nomination using the party’s name, saying they had no clearance.

But the candidates say their papers were in order and they were the ones chosen in their areas to contest.

In an interview yesterday, Mr Manyere said he was not fazed by the threat, and will not withdraw his application.

He said party supporters had endorsed him.

Mr Manyere accused the party’s preferred candidate Mr Matewu of misrepresenting that he won the party’s opaque selection process.

“During the selection process, I had huge numbers who nominated me and he had a few people who nominated him,” said Mr Manyere. “I have people, more people than him and these are the people who are telling me not to withdraw. Citizens love me.

“I will not withdraw my candidature. I will be representing CCC in Marondera Central Constituency and I will win. Matewu will not win because he does not have any people. Soon I will be embarking on election campaigns for CCC across the constituency.”

Mr Manyere dismissed reports from some CCC quarters that he forged signatures and that Forever Association Zimbabwe, a Zanu PF affiliate, helped him file his nomination papers.

“Who forged those signatures? Those who were authorised to sign are the ones who signed for me; so it is the party that signed,” he said.

“No one forged anything. There is no FAZ in all this. I don’t even know anyone from FAZ.

“For me, double candidacy in Marondera Central Constituency was all caused by Matewu.”

Mr Matewu could not be reached for comment as the provided mobile number went unanswered, while WhatsApp messages were not responded to. Herald


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