Tuesday 13 June 2023


CASH-strapped Redcliff Municipality has announced plans to bill residents for services and goods exclusively in United States dollars starting July 1, 2023, but debtors would have the option of paying in local currency at the prevailing inter-bank rate.

The move, it said, was to cushion itself in light of the hyper-inflation in the economy. In a public notice to residents and stakeholders, town clerk Gilson Chakauya said current outstanding debts would also be converted to US dollars, and attract interest at 150 percent per annum.

“All bills for goods and services shall be generated in United States Dollars with effect from 1st July 2023. All non-billable like plan approval fees, fines, water and sewer connections etc shall be charged in United States dollars and stakeholders are encouraged to pay in USD,” he said.

But Chakauya said the town’s approved 2023 budget would remain unchanged, despite the currency changes.

-New Ziana


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