Wednesday 31 May 2023


PRESIDENT Mnangagwa’s tangible works and good leadership have been a revelation that continue to excite both locals and foreigners, and on Tuesday Zanu PF legislators honoured him with special gifts.

Among the gifts are horses, a bull, lion’s head taxidermy, a framed picture designed by local materials, spears and a shield.

One of the symbolic and special gifts the President received from Parliamentarians on Tuesday.

These were all presented to the President by the Zanu PF parliamentary caucus committee.

Under the President’s leadership, development has been the new norm, the country now has an air ambulance service, a new Parliament has been constructed, as well as roads, bridges and dams.

Also, the drilling of solarised boreholes continues and the expansion of Hwange Unit 7 has been completed while Unit 8 is nearing completion.

In Parliament, several Bills sailed through easily unlike during the First Republic where it took ages, this is all courtesy of President Mnangagwa’s leadership.

Zanu PF chief whip Cde Pupurai Togarepi said the party members felt there was a need to appreciate the great leadership which the President has shown to the country.

“All was a motivation coming from the leadership, our President has shown to the country. To us as legislators, as you know the President is part of the legislature; what we debate in the house for it to be law, the President must approve,” he said.

Zanu PF legislator Cde Zalera Makari said when they selected the gifts, they were looking for something as a committee and as members of Parliament that would be unique and timeless.

“The gifts we gave His Excellency are two horses, the significance of horses is that Kings ride horses so it symbolises the royalty and indeed the magnitude of the post that he has as a leader.

“We also gave him a bull, we know that His Excellency is a master farmer so we wanted to say tirikuzviona Shumba Murambwi rambai muchirima,” she said.

Cde Makari said they also gave the President a lion head which has a crown on it.

“The lion is the king of jungle, also that is His Excellency’s totem. As the grand finale we had specifically made a framed picture. It has a picture of His Excellency surrounded by stars,” she said.

Cde Makari said the picture also has inscriptions from Members of Parliament in which they were simply saying to the President they are witnesses to the good works which he is doing.

“Hence, we have a spear which is to say you came from the war, but we are still with it now fighting the economic war, war against sanctions, so we gave him a spear to symbolise that.

“We also gave him a shield to protect him obviously, be it spiritually or physically that is what it symbolises. We also gave him two royal knobkerries. We are aware that a King always has two knobkerries,” she said.

The chairperson of the committee that co-ordinated the gifts, Cde Robson Nyathi, said despite numerous hurdles, President Mnangagwa has come out tops.

“We are looking more into how we have sailed through in certain problems which we have faced as a country, we wouldn’t be here without the assistance of His Excellency,” he said. Herald


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