Saturday 13 May 2023


Police in Gutu have arrested four members of a Zanu PF gang notorious for terrorising people in the district. Two of the members were arrested for allegedly obstructing the course of justice after they fought cops trying to apprehend the other two members.

The remaining two were arrested for alleged assault.

Josephat Sarukore, a land baron who sells residential stands at Gracelands in Mpandawana Growth Point donated to him by the party for free, and Joseph Mudziwepasi were arrested on Monday. They have since been remanded in custody to May 16 2023, by Gutu Magistrate Mandlekosi Ndhlovu after they appeared in court on Tuesday.

Police spokesperson Kudakwashe Dhewa said he could not comment on the matter since the case is now before the courts.

Human rights lawyer Martin Mureri described the gang as notorious and unrepentant.

The Mirror is reliably informed that Sarukore, a Zanu PF Gutu DCC chairman and the most feared political activist in the district and Mudziwepasi had running battles with Police at Gracelands suburb on Monday. The two pulled Sylvester Mashamba and Jonathan Mugutso out of the Police vehicle after they had been arrested on charges of assault. Several times, Police would again take the suspects into the car, but Sarukore and Mudziwepasi would pull them out again.

The four were eventually arrested after Police decided to apprehend Sarukore, who is widely regarded as the terror leader. Police detained the four in custody overnight and brought them to court on Tuesday. Mashamba and Mugutso were released, while Sarukore and Mudziwepasi were remanded in custody.

Mashamba and Mugutso were arrested for allegedly assaulting builders constructing houses in the Gracelands suburb. Anyone contracted to build a house at Sarukore’s housing scheme is required to always wear Zanu PF regalia. Any violation of that rule results in the contractor being chucked out or the stand being withdrawn from the buyer. All builders are required to pay US$200 to Sarukore to be allowed to build houses in Gracelands.

Sarukore, his brothers, and Mudziwepasi have been accused of unleashing violence in Gutu Growth Point. However, the public has always complained that gang is above the law as they are never arrested by Police.

In 2021 they were linked to violence that led to the death of Nyasha Zhambe, but Police have still not arrested them.

Meanwhile, Josephat Sarukore and his brother Tawanda have been issued with a warrant of arrest after they failed to appear in court on Monday over another case of alleged violence. The two are accused of assaulting Tinotenda and Jervas Makumbe who are opposition CCC members.

The two, together with Mashamba, Mugutso, Tawanda and Samson Sarukore, were fingered as the ZANU PF terror squad who assaulted CCC supporters including, Tinotenda and Jervas Makumbe, whom they left for dead.

Human rights lawyer Martin Mureri described the group as unrepentant as they are accused of assaulting police officers on a day they were supposed to prove their remorse on another assault case.

“The gang is unrepentant, and it is above the law. Police seem to be afraid of the gang, and it respects no one. It unleashes violence against CCC members, and now it is fighting the Police,” said Mureri. Masvingo Mirror


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