Tuesday 2 May 2023


ZPC Kariba Football Club midfielder Winston Mhango (35) has been arrested after being found in possession of mbanje, codeine and other illegal cough syrups.

Mhango’s arrest at 836B Fort Jameson, Mahombekombe on Monday evening follows a tip-off to police from members of the public that the footballer was dealing in drugs.

The former Hwange, FC Platinum, Highlanders and Kabwe Warriors (Zambia) player is held at Kariba Police Station and is expected to appear at the Kariba Magistrates Court today.

National Police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said investigations were still in progress.

“We confirm that arrest of Winston Mhango, a player with ZPC Kariba after he was found in possession of drugs and substances such as mbanje, codeine and others,” said Ass Comm Nyathi.

“As police we managed to get a tip off from members of the public that Mhango was dealing in illicit drugs. Police raided the player’s house in Mahombekombe and managed to recover mbanje, Benilyn and other cough syrups, among other drugs.”

There are also suspicions that Mhango was dealing in the illicit drugs at the ZPC Kariba Sports Club.

Ass Comm Nyathi said investigations were underway to establish the source of the drugs.

“We want to warn that the police are not going back in the fight against drug and substance abuse. We are still investigating the source of the drugs and to establish if Mhango was the supplier in the trade,” he said.

Police have arrested more than 4 000 drug abusers and peddlers in an operation aimed at stemming drug and substance abuse which has pervaded the social landscape.

The Government at the highest level, including President Mnangagwa has called for an unrelenting fight against the vice of drug and substance abuse. Herald


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