Tuesday 9 May 2023


MOURNERS were forced to dive for cover when a disgruntled brother-in-law of the deceased fired a gunshot into the air at a burial in Chiweshe on Saturday.

Robson Dhlamini was reported to have blocked the hearse, carrying the coffin of his late brother-in-law, Leonard Marevo, in protest over being barred from attending the funeral wake at Marevo village under Chief Negomo.

He fired one shot into the air forcing mourners to disperse and the burial only went ahead after tempers had cooled down.

Robson is said to have fired the first gunshot into the air the day before the burial.

Sources told H-Metro that the late Leonard was married to Robson’s sister, Lucia Dhlamini, who did not attend the funeral.

“Robson was barred from attending the funeral of his brother-in-law because of some marital issues between his sister and Leonard.

“Leonard had a misunderstanding with his wife, Lucia, and at the time of his death, they were no longer living together.

“Leonard azoshaya achigara nehanzvadzi yake kuno kumusha mudzimai akasara kuSouthley Park,” said the source.

A priest, who was conducting the burial service, made a police report against Robson.

National police spokesperson, Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi, promised to provide more details about the incident today.

“Police will check if a report was made and we will furnish you with those details,” said Ass-Comm Nyathi. H Metro


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