Wednesday 3 May 2023


A 45-year-old man from Bulawayo in Pumula South suburb was shot in the stomach after he opened the door for a stranger who had knocked at his house.

Police are yet to establish a clear motive for the shooting because the gunman fled when the victim screamed for help.

Bulawayo police spokesperson Inspector Abednico Ncube confirmed the shooting which occurred on May 2 at around 7PM.

He said police have instituted a manhunt for the gunman and appealed for anyone who may know the shooter to contact their nearest police station.

 ‘’Police in Bulawayo are appealing for information that may lead to the arrest of a medium-built man who shot a 45-year-old man from Pumula South. Circumstances are that on the 2nd day of May 2023 at around 1910 hours, the complainant was at his place of residence inside the house when the accused person who is medium built, wearing a golf T-shirt and khaki trousers knocked at the sitting room door and the complainant attended to him. The accused asked the complainant for a room to rent but the complainant told him that there was no room to rent,’’ said Insp Ncube.

He said the suspect lost his temper, pulled out a gun and shot the victim in the stomach.

Insp Ncube warned members of the public against opening doors for strangers. Chronicle


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