Tuesday 2 May 2023


Businesswoman and investor Mrs Tatiana Aleshina today finally walked off the witness stand where she was under cross examination by Biti’s lawyer Mr Alec Muchadehama.

It has been three months with Mr Muchadehama cross examining her over an assault case.

Biti is facing charges of assaulting the businesswoman at the Harare Magistrate Court.

Before Mrs Aleshina walked off the witness stand, the court had to adjourn for a few minutes to allow Mr Muchadehama to put his house in order after he kept repeating questions that he had asked the witness before.

“If you no longer have new questions just say it rather than keep on repeating what you have already asked the complainant,” said the Magistrate Mrs Vongai Guwuriro Muchuchuti.

When the trial resumed Mr Muchadehama put it to Mrs Aleshina that his client is denying ever assaulting her as per the charges.

During re-examination with deputy Prosecutor General Mr Micheal Reza, Mrs Aleshina denied being the owner of Augur Investments and controlling Zanu PF.

Last week the businesswoman told the court that she thought the legislator was going to kill her when he agressively charged towards her.

Mrs Aleshina told the court that Biti’s behaviour was unprofessional given that he is a prominent lawyer.

“When Biti charged towards me he was very aggressive and in my mind I thought he was going to kill me,” she said.  Herald


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