Saturday 29 April 2023


IT’S all systems go for the Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (Zimsec) June examinations with both Government and the examining body saying they have put in place a coterie of measures to tighten security after exam paper leakages were recorded in the last public examinations.

The measures include profiling of school heads and schools handling examination papers and amending the Zimsec Act to ensure a deterrent custodial sentence is imposed on those found guilty of leaking the papers.

The June exams are expected to see a majority of candidates being non-formal as those in the formal education system still need to complete their Continuous Assessment and Learning Activities (CALA).

In an interview with Sunday News, Zimsec spokesperson Miss Nicky Dhlamini said Advanced Level examinations will commence on 15 May while the Ordinary Level commence on 29 May.

“The Zimsec June examinations are scheduled to begin with A-level commencing on 15 May while O-level exams start on 29 May. We are ready but let me hasten to say the bulk of those sitting for the June session are re-sitting candidates. Those currently within the school system, that is formal candidates are yet to complete their Continuous Assessment Learning Activities.

“These are mostly scheduled to sit for their examinations in November. Zimsec has put in place various security measures and will be working with partners and stakeholders to ensure the security of examinations is not compromised,” she said.

Director of Communication and Advocacy in the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education Mr Taungana Ndoro said all was in place for the candidates sitting for their examinations saying they expect an improved pass rate.

“We have noted that most of the candidates who will be sitting for the June exams are private candidates or what we call non-formal who did not do well in their previous sittings. These have passed their CALA, have been assessed and we have submitted the results to Zimsec and they continue to write.

“The bulk of our examination classes are going to be writing in November and their state of preparedness is very high. There was a time when they were facing challenges with the Continuous Assessment Learning Activities (CALA) but now they have adjusted to it including the teachers and schools. We have also come out of Covid-19 and we have adjusted so we are expecting that when we write our examinations in November our pass rate is going to increase tremendously,” he said.

He reaffirmed the Government’s commitment to the security of examination papers saying they have put in place various measures to ensure the security was water tight.

“The Minister of Primary and Secondary Education had the privilege of touring the Zimsec facilities about two months ago, being taken through the entire process of the examination from encrypting to distribution. Thus, at Zimsec we did not find any fault and the security is very tight. We noted that the problem is with issues of integrity of some of the persons who are responsible for handling the examination papers at the school. You will notice that last year the paper which leaked was because a deputy head was the one who leaked it, scanned it and sent it through to others who then started selling it,” he said.

He said the Ministry now has a strict profiling on which schools and which heads are going to be the custodian of the papers.

We are also working with the Parliament of Zimbabwe where we are at a very advanced stage of amending the Zimsec Act. The Act will now make any leakage susceptible to imprisonment with a deterrent sentence,” he said.

The June examinations were suspended over the past few years due to the Covid-19 pandemic. – Sunday News


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