Wednesday 5 April 2023


THERE will be election reruns in Gokwe Nembudziya, Insiza North and Zvimba West following revelations that the primaries held in those constituencies did not meet the high ethical standards for internal plebiscites set by the ruling Zanu PF party.

Initially, the current MPs for Gokwe Nembudziya and Zvimba West, Cdes Justice Mayor Wadyajena and Ziyambi Ziyambi, respectively, had controversially lost the elections that were held almost a fortnight ago. However, after a thorough verification process, there will now be reruns in their constituencies.

Apart from Gokwe-Nembudziya and Zvimba West, there will be a rerun in Insiza North where there were some confrontations and incidents of violence. Incumbent MP Farai Taruvinga, who won the initial poll two weeks ago, will once again square off with former ZEC Commissioner Qhubani Moyo who narrowly lost the primary.

This means the party will have re-runs in five constituencies including two in Harare, namely Churu and Mbare constituencies, at a date to be announced.

Addressing journalists after a Politburo meeting that was chaired by President Mnangagwa at the party headquarters in Harare yesterday, Zanu PF national spokesperson Cde Chris Mutsvangwa described the just-ended primaries as a democratic expression of the millions of people who partook in the intraparty polls.

“We had a long Politburo meeting today (yesterday). This is the final day. l am pleased to announce that the 10 provinces have been completed. Our primaries were as democratic as any can be. Ten provinces are done and the verification for the final four provinces has been completed,”  he said.

Yesterday, Zanu PF announced the outcome of the results in Masvingo, the Midlands, Matabeleland South, and Mashonaland West Provinces.

Names of the winning candidates will be revealed today.

“In areas like Gokwe Nembudziya, Insiza North and Zvimba West, there were some confrontations between various candidates’ groups, as a result we don’t think that we got a proper reflection of the winning candidates. We felt that reruns under the strictest conditions will give us the best outcome,” said Cde Mutsvangwa.

There was a nullification in Gutu East where the winner was disqualified because it was felt that his papers were not in order in terms of transfers from one political district to another.

“He must have contrived to become a candidate. We have to be very thorough in our discussions on merits,” said Cde Mutsvangwa.

He highlighted that there was also a correction in Manicaland province which leaves the current Manicaland Provincial Women’s League Chairperson, Cde Happiness Nyakuedzwa, duly elected.

“After several sessions of the Politburo, we are at this final stage where the winning team of Zanu PF is now launched. This is the team that we will be fielding to confront the MDC and CCC opposition parties in the coming elections.

“We are very confident that we will win resoundingly since this team was elected democratically. We want to ensure that there is a reconciliation between the losers and the winners,” Cde Mutsvangwa said.

He reiterated the stance taken by President Mnangagwa against any form of violence saying such tendencies have no place in Zanu PF hence corrections were made where the need arose.

“The President is strong on zero tolerance to violence. In the Politburo we were very thorough. Each and every candidate was verified because we wanted to make sure that we get the proper candidate to take the post in the party.”

The Politburo, Cde Mutsvangwa said, expressed satisfaction with the participation of younger generations in the primary elections, saying this is a process of renewal in Zanu PF.

“There were a lot of young people. We are recognising the evolution of the economy. There will be reruns in some of the areas some of which will be announced by the Commissar tomorrow (today),” he said adding that there were few instances of violence that have been adequately addressed by the Politburo. Herald


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