Monday 17 April 2023


ZANU PF has announced preliminary results of primary election reruns in five outstanding constituencies with two female candidates defying the odds by defeating incumbent male candidates in Zvimba West and Gokwe Nembudziya respectively.

In Zvimba West, Cde Maruva Mercy Dinha beat party heavyweight Cde Ziyambi Ziyambi, while in Gokwe-Nembudziya, former Cabinet minister Cde Flora Buka bounced back after defeating the incumbent Cde Justice Mayor Wadyajena.

Some of the candidates who contested in Gokwe-Nembudziya are Cdes Elam Mpofu and Godknows Kanzombe.

In Insiza South, Cde Spare Sithole was declared the winner after his contestant Cde Andrew Langa withdrew from the race.

In Churu constituency, the party’s Harare Provincial Vice Chairman Cde Ephraim Fundukwa sailed through against Charles Matsika, Tafirenyika Muchacha, Gladmore Hungwe, Nyasha Madzamba and Boniface Poshai.

Mbare constituency went to Zanu PF councillor Cde Martin Matinyanya who won against Zanu PF Harare provincial youth chairman Cde Emmanuel Mahachi.

The two constituencies were affected by some acts of violence in the first round.

Zanu PF national Political Commissar Cde Mike Bimha announced the preliminary results during a press briefing at the party headquarters in Harare. He said the results are subject to ratification and confirmation by the Politburo.

“We also gave instructions to our provinces to look into the complaints regarding our local authority primary elections,” said Cde Bimha.

The local authority list will be submitted to the National Command Centre at the party headquarters today.

Cde Bimha also announced the names of successful candidates for the youth quota.

List of youth quota candidates

Bulawayo                                     Tutsa Munashe

Harare                                          Luckmore Gapa

Manicaland                                  Stanley Sakupwanya

Mashonaland Central               Emmerson Raradza

Mashonaland East                      Tawanda Mudowo

Mashonaland West                     Mutsa Ziyambi

Masvingo                                       Nalide Maunganidze

Matabeleland North                   Nobule Duke Ncube

Matabeleland South                   Tinashe Mushipe

Midlands                                       Kudakwashe Mnangagwa




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