Monday 17 April 2023


 A fake witch doctor, in the company of his six accomplices appeared in court last Friday after they allegedly hatched a plan to extort a widow claiming that if she does not pay them US$10 000 and two vehicles the family would die within 24 hours.

Donewell Kufandirori (18) appeared before Harare Magistrate Mr Dennis Mangosi charged with extortion.

He is in custody pending bail application.

The State alleged that between January 25 and 26, in Old Tafara, Harare, Kufandirori and his six accomplices who are still at large extorted the complainant after identifying themselves as witchdoctors.

The seven accused persons allegedly threatened the complainant and her family with death if she failed to surrender all the property and cash left behind by her late husband who died on January 2.

They alleged that her late husband’s wealth was accrued through the goblins they gave him during his life time.

The court heard that the accused persons demanded US$10 000 cash, two vehicles a Honda Fit and a Toyota Hiace left by her late husband.

They told the complainant that failure to comply would result in the death of the complainant and her family within 24hours.

The complainant bowed down to their demands and surrendered US$3 800 to them.

The accused persons escorted the complainant to their base at house number 3575 Chinzanga in Mutoko for cleansing.

While in Mutoko, further threats were made to the complainant that she must not disclose the matter to anyone and that on the following morning the complainant must sign agreement of sale for the two vehicles mentioned above.

She later filed a police report that led to the arrest of Kufandirori. Herald


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