Thursday 20 April 2023


A bid by Marry Mubaiwa’s lawyer Ms Beatrice Mtetwa to have her client’s case of money laundering removed from further remand yesterday hit a snag after a Harare magistrate ruled that the State had justifiable reasons to keep her on remand.

Magistrate Mr Stanford Mambanje said the State was justified because investigations were almost complete.

“The State in my view saw the need to exercise due diligence by postponing the matter and the court sees it fit to give the State time,” he said.

“It would be prejudicial for the court to grant removal from remand since the investigations are nearing their                                                                            end.”

This was after the State had proposed that Mubaiwa returns to court on May 11 for the provision of a trial date.

Ms Mtetwa challenged the position of the State, saying the matter should not be continuously remanded.

She said they had come to court expecting to be given a trial date.

“At every appearance from the last 24 months, the State has been saying they will give a trial date on the next sitting,” she said.

“Last time they said they were perusing through documents, but we have been coming for 40 months.”

Responding to Ms Mtetwa, the State said it was aware that Mubaiwa had been on remand, but investigations in the matter were complex, hence wanted to avoid a situation where a trial date is given and parties return to court with complaints.

Mubaiwa is facing several counts of money laundering.

Among them, the State alleged that she allegedly externalised close to US$1 million to South Africa and China on several occasions.

She externalised US$114 000 to China through her personal driver, Carrington Kazingizi and Terrence Mutandwa, and the money was not declared to authorities.

Sometime in November 2018, Mubaiwa instructed Memory Chakuinga to come up with a proforma invoice for supply of events tents and chairs which was then sent to CBZ Bank and also to herself.

On December 17, 2018, Mubaiwa, on the strength of the proforma invoice, caused CBZ Bank to transfer US$201 846-81 through Outgoing Telegraphic transfer into Falcon Projects Suppliers Limited South Africa FNB Bank Account.

Instead of the funds being used for the purchase of event tents and chairs, Mubaiwa instructed Chakuinga to divert the money to Range Rover Centre towards the purchase of her personal vehicle, a Range Rover Autobiography.

The State further alleges that she transferred US$307 545,05 for procurement of prepaid meters and the funds were then diverted to purchase a house in South Africa which is registered in a company’s name where she was the sole shareholder. Herald


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