Thursday 27 April 2023


The assault trial for Tendai Biti continued yesterday with the complainant businesswoman and investor Mrs Tatiana Aleshina telling the court that she thought the legislator was going to kill her when he aggressively charged towards her.

Mrs Aleshina made these revelations while being cross examined by Biti’s lawyer Mr Alec Muchadehama.

Biti is facing charges of assaulting the businesswoman at the Harare Magistrates Court.

Mr Muchadehama put it to Mrs Aleshina that she was the one, who charged towards Biti but she said that was a total lie.

Mr Muchadehama went on to tell Mrs Aleshina that the words “stupid idiot” that were allegedly used by Biti have no meaning at all.

But Mrs Aleshina told the court that Biti’s behaviour was unprofessional given that he is a prominent lawyer.

“When Biti charged towards me he was very aggressive and in my mind I thought he was going to kill me,” she said. During the last sitting, Mr Muchadehama diverted from asking questions about how Aleshina was assaulted by his client and chose to ask about the running of her company.

Mr Alec Muchadehama kept on asking Mrs Aleshina questions relating to her company and other cases being dealt with by the High and Supreme Courts.

However, Mrs Aleshina kept reminding Mr Muchadehama that she was not able to answer anything as such questions had nothing to do with her assault matter.

Biti recently filed an urgent chamber application to stay his assault trial pending determination of an application for review of the dismissal of an application for referral to Constitutional Court by the lower court. Herald


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