Monday 10 April 2023


THE ruling Zanu-PF party is set for a landslide victory in the forthcoming harmonised elections as all members of the apostolic sects are rallying behind President Mnangagwa and Zanu-PF, Vapostori4ED national spokesperson, Madzibaba Obey Mapuranga, has said.

Apostolic sects, which command some of the largest followings, took advantage of their Easter conferences to mobilise votes for President Mnangagwa and Zanu-PF.

Zanu-PF is targeting five million votes to comfortably win the polls, and out of these, Vapostori have pledged 2,3 million votes as a token of appreciation for President Mnangagwa’s astute leadership that has brought fresh hope in the country.

Vapostori also want to reward President Mnangagwa and Zanu-PF for continuously supporting them, as opposed to some opposition parties that threaten to force all apostolic sects to stop worshipping in the open if they win elections.

In an interview yesterday, Madzibaba Mapuranga said a major Zanu-PF victory was inevitable.

“We are glad that our national chairperson Madzibaba Moses Gwasarira has been moving around the country to all Zion churches advising members during this Easter to rally behind President Mnangagwa.

“Among the churches visited are that of Andreas Shoko, David Masuka and Rueben Makuva Mutendi buttressing the fact that we solely rally behind President Mnangagwa in the 2023 harmonised elections,” he said.

Madzibaba Mapuranga thanked their national chairperson for supporting the President.

Vapostori, who for many years felt sidelined, now feel respected and appreciated under President Mnangagwa’s leadership.

Madzibaba Mapuranga said they will express themselves through the ballot and silence puppets that masquerade as opposition figures.

“This country will be ruled forever by Zanu-PF because it is the only party that sacrificed blood to liberate this country, there is no other party.

“Zimbabwe is not a theocracy; it’s a democracy, and we have accepted that and we are coming into the democratic processes and voting.

“We are going to bring more than 2,3 million votes from Vapositori. All those people are going to vote for Zanu-PF,” he said.

Madzibaba Mapuranga promised to ensure that Harare is delivered to Zanu-PF from the opposition, which has run it down and almost everything is not working now.

He said the church is always ready to offer spiritual guidance to national leaders.

In his addresses at the Methodist Church in Zimbabwe in Seke and at the Zion Christian Church in Masvingo over the Easter holiday, President Mnangagwa said the Second Republic will continue to work with the church.

The President said the relationship between the State and churches remains solid “as we value freedom of worship”.

“We assure you that you are free to exercise your right to religion. As the Second Republic, we guarantee freedom of religion.

We need that co-operation between the church and the State.

“Church people are patriotic about their country. They do hard and honest work, they love their country,” said President Mnangagwa on Sunday at Mbungo Estate in Masvingo. Chronicle


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