Wednesday 12 April 2023


WHAT started as a routine beer drink ended in a married woman suffering the horror of being raped in Harare’s Southlea Park.

The 24-year-old victim only reported the incident seven days after her sickening ordeal.

Harare provincial police spokesperson, Inspector Luckmore Chakanza, confirmed the incident.

The woman had been drinking beer with her male friend, Davison Madamombe, 32, earlier during the day.

“On March 29, at around 11pm, the complainant and the accused person were drinking beer at Candy Shops.

“One of the complainant’s friends took the complainant’s child home to sleep and left the complainant with the accused person.

“The accused person then persuaded the complainant to accompany him outside the bar to buy some foodstuffs.

“The accused person then forcibly took the complainant to a nearby bushy area where he raped her once without protection and the complainant went home.”

He added: “The complainant then revealed the incident to her husband on April 6. He advised her to report the case and she lodged a report the following day.

“The accused person is yet to be arrested,” said Insp Chakanza. H Metro


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