Sunday 9 April 2023


Businesswoman Tatiana Aleshina, who caused the arrest of former Finance minister Tendai Biti on allegations of verbal abuse, is linked with at least 18 companies that the veteran lawyer  is representing in court cases, it has been revealed.

Biti last week  filed for an urgent chamber application seeking to stop his trial despite having numerous applications for referral and stay of proceedings dismissed by Harare magistrate Vongai Guwuriro.

According to Biti’s lawyer Alec Muchadehama, accusations against his client are closely linked to his role as a representative of companies that are suing entities associated with Aleshina.

Biti is representing some companies that are suing Aleshina and her close associates for fraud including property developer Ken Sharpe.

There are 18 ongoing cases before the courts which involve his client and Aleshina, Muchadehama submitted in court.

“You do not dispute that Biti is handling cases where you and the persons you associate with are being sued,” said Muchadehama during court cross examination at the Harare magistrates court last Thursday.

Muchedehama argued that Aleshina’s assault case was a way of settling a score with Biti.

In response, Aleshina declined to answer the questions saying she was not aware of what Muchadehama was referring to.

“I do not know what you are talking about. I came here for the assault case and nothing here,” she said.

The court heard that Aleshina is a chief operating officer of several companies, including ones that are being sued by Biti’s clients.

Muchadehama said Aleshina’s disagreements with Biti emanated from the court cases.

“You do not like what the accused person is doing,” said Muchadehama. Standard


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