Thursday 30 March 2023


WHIZKID Tadiwanashe Mavetera’s dream of studying Quantum Physics could become true after he was accepted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States.

Tadiwanashe obtained 10 As at A-Level in last year’s examinations.

The genius aced Accounting, Mechanical Mathematics, Business Studies, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Pure Mathematics, Statistics and Economics.

He got 20 As at O-Level in 2020.

In an interview, Tadiwanashe said his dream was coming true.

“There is progress. I was accepted at MIT, but for now I am at home.

“I applied for financial aid there and they are still processing it.

“I was also promised a scholarship by some potential well-wishers,” said Tadiwanashe.

When the results came out in January, Tadiwanashe, then a Ruya Adventist High School student, told H-Metro that he’d worked hard to attain extraordinary results to get a scholarship.

“The motivation behind doing these subjects was mainly to acquire a scholarship or to get recognition that would allow me to go to one of the top universities in the world like MIT, Harvard or Stanford where I can freely pursue Quantum Physics.

“After acquiring this knowledge, I want to improve our nation so that it can have a strong economy.

“Someday Zimbabwe is going to become a hub of consultations on Quantum technology.

“It has always been my prayer and hope that I get a scholarship to a top university for me to achieve this dream,” he told H-Metro then. H Metro


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