Tuesday 28 March 2023


A final-year student from Chinhoyi University of Technology (CUT) was yesterday seriously injured after being stabbed by an armed robber who later got away with her valuables.

The student who was left with a dip cut on her neck, lost her laptop and two smartphones after she was mugged.

Fellow student rushed to her rescue after they heard her screaming but failed to locate the culprit.

CUT confirmed the incident saying the fourth-year female student who stays off-campus was robbed a few metres away from the university’s Engineering complex.

“The incident happened outside the campus between Food Paradise and the Engineering Complex. There is a boarding House around that area and students take a short cut from their residences directly to the Engineering Complex,” said CUT in a statement.

It added that it prioritised the security of its students and encouraged them to walk in groups.

A Campus Protection Services (CPS) assistant who attended the scene is currently being investigated internally on how he is alleged to have traumatised the student soon after the robbery and stabbing incident.

Armed robbers target students who mainly live off-campus as CUT battles to accommodate the ballooning population of its full-time and part-time students. Herald


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