Saturday 4 March 2023


THE Competition and Tariff Commission (CTC) has launched investigations into alleged restrictive practices by Seke Teachers College for allegedly producing branded attire that it forces students to buy.

CTC is a statutory body established under the Competition Act (Chapter 14:28) as a regulatory authority to promote fair business and trade practices.

“The Competition and Tariff Commission has commenced investigations into alleged restrictive practices by Seke Teachers College as defined in terms of Section 2 of the Act …,” it said in a statement.

The institution reportedly compels students to procure branded protective clothing and sporting attire exclusively from the college.

Students who buy the college attire from alternative suppliers, CTC added, remain indebted to the institution to the same value for uniforms.

Apparently, the college withholds diploma certificates for students who fail to clear the debt.

“The commission’s preliminary concerns are that other colleges or tertiary learning institutions may be engaging in similar restrictive practices that affect students.

“The alleged restrictive practices may result in students being restricted from exercising their right to choose suppliers of college clothing attire,” CTC added. Sunday Mail


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