Tuesday 28 March 2023


MUSICIAN Ashton ‘‘Mbeu’’ Nyahora has been reported to the police for allegedly ‘‘stealing’’ his guitarist, Liberty Magaya’s mobile phone.

Mbeu was reported at Borrowdale Police Station after Magaya accused him of snatching his phone following an altercation over payments last Friday. The theft was reported at Borrowdale Police Station under RRB 5510395 and is expected in court soon.

Allegations are that Mbeu snatched Liberty’s phone as a way to force him to surrender uniforms, and other belongings, which belong to the band. Efforts to get a comment from Mbeu were fruitless as he was not responding to calls and messages. Liberty confirmed the incident and said the case was triggered by a dispute over payment.

“I am one of his guitarists and we had an issue over payments. I confronted him and told him that the money he was giving us was little considering the work we were doing.’’

Liberty added: “He opened a rehearsal studio in Borrowdale and we were working together, doing rehearsals, twice per week.

“But, he was not paying us what we expected.  ‘Guitarists get, at least US$50, and above, but he pays us US$20.  I complained to him that we are doing more work and he got angry.

‘‘He then demanded my guitar, which I refused to give him, before he took my phone, a Huawei Y9 Prime 2019, demanding the band’s uniforms back.

“I then reported the matter to the police since he took it on Friday.’’ H Metro


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