Sunday 5 March 2023


The woman, who is accusing businessman Shingi Munyeza of duping her of US$85 000 in a botched investment deal yesterday failed to turn up at the court where the prosecution was expected to assess the matter to ascertain whether there was enough evidence to warrant his prosecution.

Munyeza was taken to court yesterday but the woman who is accusing him of duping her the money in a botched investment deal failed to turn up at court to allow the prosecution to assess their matter.

The businessman was then released back into the hands of the police for further management of the case.

Munyeza is alleged to have duped the woman of the US$85 000 after hoodwinking her into believing that he will pay her back with interest upto US$100 000 by end of January this year.

Munyeza allegedly failed to pay back the money within the agreed time lines prompting the woman to take the matter to the police. Herald


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