Friday 31 March 2023


THE conferment of President Mnangagwa with the Freedom of the City by Gweru City Council was long overdue and in part recognition of the sterling works he is doing to modernise and industralise Zimbabwe.

In his congratulatory message before a sizeable gathering that included traditional leaders, Cabinet Ministers and Zanu PF supporters, Vice President Constantino Chiwenga said the conferment was a special honour for the Head of State and Government.

“This is indeed a special honour in recognition of a man who has contributed to the growth and development of Gweru. The conferment of Freedom of the City symbolises the confidence the people of Gweru, Midlands province and indeed the generality of Zimbabweans have in your leadership. This is not just an achievement but a celebration of the highest order in appreciation of the impact that you have made in improving the livelihoods of your people,” said VP Chiwenga.

“For us privileged to work with you on a daily basis, we are convinced that there is no better leader to take us to the Zimbabwe we all want and desire. The Lord must be smiling that the leader that he bequeathed to Zimbabwe has made great strides and has achieved so much in stabilising and  consolidating the social and political gains made since the advent of the Second Republic.”

He commended Gweru City Council led by Mayor Hamutendi Kombayi, saying they have demonstrated love and appreciation for the leadership of President Mnangagwa.

Clr Kombayi, commended President Mnangagwa for what he is doing to improve local authorities.

“His Worship, the Mayor, Councillor Hamutendi Kombayi and his entire council and the people of this city have demonstrated the greatest love and affection to you by bestowing this honour of the Freedom of the City and we join them blissfully. The fact that the conferment was done when council was in full session shows that the President is a distinguished leader and deserves this high honour,” VP Chiwenga said.

He said President Mnangagwa stood tall among other luminaries and this made Gweru City Council and Zimbabwe as a whole to place him in the annals of strategists.

“I also want to say to the city of Gweru and the people of Gweru, that after what you have done, can you also demonstrate it in the forthcoming election by observing peace, unity, love and harmony. We are all Zimbabweans and this is our only motherland, we were born here and we will die here,” said VP Chiwenga.

Speaker of the National Assembly, Advocate Jacob Mudenda, said President Mnangagwa deserved the honour.

“You more than deserve this coveted civic recognition especially on account of your illustrious contribution to the development of urban local authorities including Gweru city, let alone the entire Zimbabwe,” said Adv Mudenda.

He chronicled the origin of the name Gweru which he said originated from Ndebele settlement which meant a steep place, in itself symbolic to President Mnangagwa’s high position as a leader.

“Today you have been honoured at the euphemistic steep place of Gweru river. You are at the steep place as the Head of Government,” said Adv Mudenda.

He said President Mnangagwa was at the centre of driving economic growth to achieve Vision 2030 anchored on the National Development Strategy 1.

Clr Kombayi, commended President Mnangagwa for what he is doing to improve local authorities.

He said on November 28 last year, the full council resolved to confer President Mnangagwa with Freedom of the City.

“We have benefitted from devolution funds. They have helped us a lot. The funds did not come on time and slightly affected our operations but they indeed helped us, you also helped us to get water pumps,” said Clr Kombayi.

He said the city’s population had outgrown its infrastructural capacity.

“The infrastructure was for 300 000 people but in Gweru we now have a population of 1,2 million,” said Clr Kombayi.

Residents of the town commended the President for transforming their lives through his policies.

“Most of our roads have been improved. Some of them were impassable but now we see tangible works on the ground. We pray for continued support on the remaining roads,” said Mrs Chipo Makoni of Mkoba 9. Mr Daniel Mapolisa of Ascot said he was encouraged by the unity of purpose shown by Gweru City Council.

“Gweru city council is constituted by councillors from different political parties but they resolved to confer the honour on President Mnangagwa,” he said. Herald


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