Wednesday 22 March 2023


A BHOLA Hardware City employee’s salary was deducted to cover medical expenses and her contract terminated after she was involved in an accident with a company vehicle.

Dion Martina Jeke was involved in an accident in a company vehicle on January 31 while coming from work in Eastlea.

She sustained head injuries.

The company called an ambulance to take her to Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals where she was admitted.

Dion told H-Metro that her salary was deducted to cover medical expenses and she was also instructed to report to the company’s office to sign her termination of contract papers.

She described the move as cruel.

“I do not know if it was their intention to find a way of terminating my contract because I was involved in an accident coming from work.

“One of my co-workers was behind the wheel when the mishap happened.

“Instead of helping me, the company deducted my salary arguing that it was used to cover ambulance charges and other charges they paid for me.

“Upon my discharge from hospital, HR phoned me to come and sign a termination of contract.

“I informed him about my condition since I was yet to recover, but he insisted that the contract had to be signed within a stipulated period.

“I am yet to sign it and am appealing for help because it affected me and my family since I am the bread winner,” said Dion.

Bhola group human resources manager, Lameck Mafuku, confirmed the predicament Dion faces, but said he had no other option except to follow company policy.

“We are aware of the road traffic accident that occurred and Dion was among the accident victims,” said Mafuku.

“I will be in the office on Wednesday to answer your questions, but company policy does not change because Dion is affected,” he said. H Metro


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