Friday 31 March 2023


SEVENTEEN out of the 22 Zanu PF sitting legislators in Manicaland failed to make it in the primary elections held over the weekend, which is an indication that the ruling party has abundant and competent young blood at its disposal.

The injection of dynamic new blood has boosted the image of the ruling party and signalled the entrance of young cadres into national politics, with the old guard nurturing their ascendancy through appropriate guidance and advice.

This has seen the New Dispensation being hailed for attracting an array of practical, sensitive and responsive candidates who can propel President Mnangagwa to victory.

Zanu PF national commissar, Cde Mike Bimha announced some of the preliminary results in Manicaland and said Cde Joshua Sacco sailed uncontested in Chimanimani East.

The party also retained Cdes Chido Sanyatwe and Supa Mandiwanzira in Nyanga North and Nyanga South respectively.

Cde Misheck Mugadza also emerged victorious in Mutasa South while Cde Raymore Machingura sailed through in Chipinge Central.

Another old guard, Cde Isau Mupfumi, will represent the party in Mutare Central, which is currently under the armpit of Mr Innocent Gonese of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC).

Cde Bimha said some of the new brooms include Cde Shepard Nyika in Makoni Central, currently under Mr David Tekeshe of the MDC-T.

Safari and construction mogul, Cde Moses Ruwona prevailed over Makoni West sitting MP and Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services Minister, Dr Jenfan Muswere.

Headlands incumbent legislator and ex-Local Government and Public Works Deputy Minister, Cde Christopher Chingosho was beat by the youthful Cde Farai Mapfumo.

In Makoni North, the party will be represented by Cde Joseph Muwombi who trounced the incumbent legislator, Cde James Munetsi; while the provincial commissar, Cde Albert Nyakuedzwa will represent the party in Makoni South.

Businessman and sports personality, Cde Innocent Benza will represent the party in Mutasa Central, currently in the hands of Mr Trevor Saruwaka of the CCC.

Sitting MP, Cde Chido Madiwa lost her Mutasa North Constituency to Cde Obey Bvute.

Cde Bimha said the maverick Buhera South legislator, Cde Joseph Chinotimba lost to Cde Ngonidzashe Mudekunye; with Zanu PF director of information, Cde Tafadzwa Mugwadi, conquering Buhera West MP, Cde Saul Nzuma.

Cde Phillip Guyo will represent the party in Buhera North after Cde William Mutomba opted for the Senate slot, while Buhera Central will be represented by Cde Samson Matema who beat the sitting MP, Cde Gijima Nyashanu.

Mutare North will be represented by Cde Admire Mahachi who defeated sitting MP and Transport and Infrastructural Development Deputy Minister, Cde Mike Madiro; while Cde Clide Jani will represent the party in Dangamvura.

Cde Kenneth Muchina will represent the party in Chikanga, while Mr Godfrey Harahwa will represent the party in Mutare South where another sitting legislator, Mr Jefry Ngome, fell by the wayside.

Cde Brighton Mwanengureni will represent the party in Mutare West after beating sitting MP, Cde Percy Muchimwe.

The party will be represented by Cde Lincoln Dhliwayo in Chipinge East.

Cde Angeline Gata beat sitting legislator, Cde Joshua Murire in Mutema-Musikavanhu, while Cde Enock Porusingazi lost his Chipinge South Constituency to Cde Robert Nyemudzo.

In Chimanimani West, Cde Wilson Maphosa beat the sitting MP and Minister of State for Manicaland Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Cde Nokhutula Matsikenyere.

In Makoni North, Cde Munetsi accepted defeat and called on Cde Muwombi to unite all those who competed against him in the primary elections.

He warned against the alienation of former rivals, saying such conduct will weaken the party’s support base.

He warned Zanu PF against complacency built on the tricky doctrine of invincibility, adding that the party must be driven by competitive ideas and real substance as opposed to whims and parochialism.

Zanu PF national secretary for finance, Cde Patrick Chinamasa, who supervised the elections in Manicaland, said the process went on smoothly without violence, amid reports of logistical challenges which led to delays in voting in some centres.

There were also incidents where a significant number of party members failed to vote as their names were not in the cell registers that were used as the voters’ roll.

Zanu PF has been calling upon those who did not emerge victorious to rally behind the party candidates.

President Mnangagwa has persistently called for an environment of peaceful coexistence, as well as a climate of tolerance, acceptance and tranquillity so that the party can record a resounding victory in the forthcoming elections. Manica Post


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