Saturday 11 February 2023


GOVERNMENT remains committed to delivering on the hopes and aspirations of all Zimbabweans as evidenced by its programmes that are geared towards ushering in prosperity for all, President Mnangagwa has said.

Transformative development programmes and the demonstrable success in stabilising and growing the economy, he said, have become a rallying point for Zimbabweans, who are increasingly lending their support to the ruling party, ZANU PF, to further accelerate national development.

Addressing delegates in Harare yesterday during the launch of the ruling party’s programme dubbed “Kumusha/Home/Ekhaya”, which is meant to welcome back returnees from other political parties, the President said ZANU PF was “deeply rooted in advancing the will and aspirations of the people”.

Yesterday’s event saw the ruling party embrace members who had defected over the years.

The ZANU PF Government under President Mnangagwa has embarked on an intensive nation-building programme underpinned by initiatives designed to achieve national food security, infrastructure development, job creation and economic growth.

“Our arms remain outstretched to welcome those who want to be members of our party.

“In this regard, those who are still in the opposition are welcome and ZANU PF will continue to facilitate their return home,” said President Mnangagwa.

“This is the unity and love that all structures of the party must preach and demonstrate.

“Not only in the context of our quest to realise five million votes during the upcoming 2023 harmonised elections, but beyond that for entrenching the democracy, national unity and cohesion that has become synonymous with the Second Republic.

“Let us, therefore, celebrate this milestone and recommit ourselves to the realisation of the party’s aims and objectives, as well as the national Vision 2030.”

Current programmes, policies and projects, he said, were premised on addressing the needs, hopes and aspirations of the people.

“The successes our party continues to record in agriculture, mining, manufacturing, tourism, SMEs (small and medium enterprises) and other social service sectors provide ample testimony,” he said.

He described yesterday’s event as historic.

“We remain a national political party, a people’s party deeply rooted in advancing the will and aspirations of the people.

“Hence, this landmark event affords us all an important opportunity to rekindle and connect with the founding principles and enduring history of our country and that of our revolutionary party, ZANU PF,” he added.

“On behalf of our party, I warmly welcome you, my fellow comrades, dear brothers and sisters from across the 10 provinces of our country to your home, ZANU PF, the home of the people’s revolution.”

The returnees were urged to add value to existing party programmes and projects by deploying their skills and knowledge.

“Let us ride on our national character trait as hardworking people and think outside the box to invent and innovate as creative entrepreneurs for increased production and productivity across all sectors of the economy.

“I further call upon you, the new party members, to avail your knowledge, skills and experience while adding value to our people-centred governance mix and ongoing development initiatives.

“Together, let us build a prosperous and empowered Zimbabwe, brick by brick and stone upon stone.”

The President also called for peaceful political campaigns ahead of this year’s elections.

 “The forthcoming 2023 harmonised general elections present to the nation an opportunity to exercise that democratic right to vote for competent ZANU PF cadres.

“It is through our revolutionary mass party that the concerns of all our people can be addressed.”

The ruling party, he said, must wrest all local authority and parliamentary seats from the opposition to guarantee a landslide victory.

President Mnangagwa said ZANU PF supporters should continue to adhere to the party’s culture of peace and harmony, adding that this was important for the country’s development. Sunday Mail



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