Thursday 16 February 2023


A HARARE man yesterday removed his shirt in court to show injuries he said were sustained after being bashed by his wife’s brothers.

Canaan Mazambara’s wife, Koshiwai Kugura, applied for a protection order against him at the Harare Civil Court.

She accused him of assaulting and kicking her out of their matrimonial home.

However, magistrate Tamara Chibindi dismissed her application, ruling that she had failed to convince the court of any abuse.

“He assaults me whenever he is drunk and chases me out of the house.

“He also accuses me of having boyfriends,” Koshiwai claimed.

Canaan opposed the application saying his wife no longer takes him as a husband.

t is very painful when you have been doing everything for your partner, sacrificing your all, sending her to school, only to be treated like a nobody. I sent her to school, now she has a job at the airport and doesn’t want me.

“She insults me for saying that I am poor.”

He added: “She sent her brothers to assault me. They tied me with a wire, stepped on my private parts and l sustained injuries on my back.

“Her brothers told me to stay away from her because she has another man who wants to marry her.”

He then removed his shirt to show his injuries to the magistrate.

“She is applying for this order because she is now afraid that I might claim all the money I used on her.

“It is very painful and sad that when you help someone they backstab you,” said Canaan. H Metro


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