Thursday 9 February 2023


A LOMAGUNDI College general worker has been jailed 15 years for raping his stepdaughter.

Lovemore Phiri, 48, of Staff Quarters, Chinhoyi, appeared before Chinhoyi regional magistrate Ignatius Mugova facing three counts of rape.

Magistrate Mugova sentenced him to an effective 15 years imprisonment.

Prosecutor, Nyasha Sibesha, told the court that on August 21 last year and at around 8pm, Lovemore returned home drunk and found his stepdaughter cooking. The court heard that he told her that he wanted to have sexual intercourse with her, but she refused.

Lovemore then forcibly pulled her into his bedroom and raped her.

The girl did not tell anyone, as Lovemore had threatened not to buy her food if she disclosed the rape to anyone.

On the second count, the court heard that the following day, he found her home alone. He again demanded to have sex with her and she refused.

The girl went outside and returned later and started doing her homework in the kitchen.

Lovemore grabbed her and again raped her in his bedroom, and again she did not disclose the matter to anyone.

On August 23, the juvenile was washing plates outside and Lovemore dragged her into the house and raped her.

She only disclosed the rape to her guidance and counselling teacher on September 16 and matter was reported to the police leading to Lovemore’s arrest. H Metro


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