Thursday 8 December 2022


TWO police officers attached to the ZRP PPU Diplomats department are expected to appear in court on allegations of extorting US$500 from a motorist whom they had arrested at the intersection of Samora Machel and Sam Nujoma, near the Munhumutapa Building, for answering a phone in the ‘Presidential territory’.

Nyasha Ndumo (31) and Isaac Chako (32) are expected to appear at the Harare Magistrates Court charged with criminal abuse of office and alternatively extortion.

Ndumo and Chako are alleged to have pressured the motorist to drive to her place of residence in Mt Pleasant to collect the money or risk a mandatory jail term.

They allegedly committed the offence on December 1.

The two cops were arrested after being tracked on a cellphone number which was given to the motorist’s son at the time they left her place of residence after being given US$300. Herald


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