Thursday 15 December 2022


LEGISLATORS on Tuesday expressed concern over the absence of Energy minister Zhemu Soda in the National Assembly after they demanded a ministerial statement on the electricity crisis.

On Monday, while officiating at a United Nations energy event, Soda told delegates that the electricity crisis could be attributed to low water levels at Kariba Dam, which was caused by excessive use of water when the country generated more power to support winter wheat production.

Kambuzuma MP Willias Madzimure raised a matter of privilege in the House, asking why Soda was not coming to Parliament to issue a ministerial statement on the electricity crisis.

“Some three weeks ago, an honourable member stood in the House and asked the Minister of Energy and Power Development to come and give a ministerial statement on the state of electricity in the country. So, looking at the situation, we cannot wait any longer,” Madzimure said.

He said the electricity issue was serious because industries use digitised equipment, which is being interrupted by the power outages.

There are so many losses that industry incur because there is no information on when electricity is expected to go off. Industry is preparing for its annual shutdown but the minister is quiet. It is quite disturbing,” Madzimure said.

Speaker of the National Assembly Jacob Mudenda in responce said: “Let me check the Hansard records and let us see whether the minister got the request so that it can be done as soon as possible. We will follow it up.”

Recently, the Zambezi River Authority ordered the Zimbabwe Power Company to suspend power generation at the Kariba South Hydro Power Station due to low water levels in the lake. Newsday


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