Thursday 8 December 2022


A 25-YEAR-OLD man from Nkulumane 5 suburb in Bulawayo who gave his 15-year-old girlfriend money to buy fresh chips in exchange for sexual favours has appeared in court.

Muthole Muleya appeared before Western Commonage magistrate Shepherd Mjanja charged with having sexual intercourse with a young person as defined in Section 70 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act Chapter 9:23.

He pleaded not guilty to the charge and was remanded out of custody to 20 December for trial.

The court heard that sometime in May 2022, the accused phoned the victim while requesting to visit her at her place and she agreed before she told him to come since her aunt and uncle had gone out.

It is reported that the accused went to the girl’s place at night when two minors who were also staying with the victim had slept.

Upon arrival the accused reportedly solicited for sex from his girlfriend and she accepted. The two then had sex.

It is reported that sometime in June 2022, the accused requested for another visit and the girl agreed.

Using the same modus operandi of going there after hours, it is reported that upon arrival Muleya had sex with the girl.

Muleya reportedly gave the victim money to buy fresh chips and a Russian sausage in exchange for sexual favours.

The court further heard that the matter came to light sometime in July 2022 when the victim’s aunt found some money in her bag and asked her where she got it from and that’s when she told her that she got it from the accused.

Upon being questioned that is when she revealed her shenanigans with the accused.

The matter was then reported to the police leading to the arrest of the accused.

The victim was referred to hospital for examination. B Metro


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