Friday 4 November 2022


A SILOBELA man died upon admission at hospital after being assaulted by a log in fight over a woman.

20-year-old Bradwell Ncube of Village Mawetu under Chief Malisa in Silobela died upon admission at Gweru Provincial Hospital after being assaulted with a log by Mpostoli Mhlanga.

Mhlanga, of Village Swabi, is now on the run after he vanished into the bush soon after committing the crime.

According to Midlands Provincial Police Spokesperson, Inspector Emmanuel Mahoko, the now deceased was walking with the said girlfriend, whose name was not given, when Mhlanga pounced.

“Mhlanga, an ex-boyfriend of the woman in question, emerged from the bush. He used a log to strike Ncube on the back of the head without saying a word and fled leaving Ncube lying unconscious in a pool of blood,” said police.

The now deceased, who had sustained a deep wound on the back of his head, was rushed to Mazebe Clinic before being referred to Silobela District Hospital.

His condition deteriorated and was further transferred to Gweru Provincial Hospital where he died upon admission.

“We appeal to anyone with information that might help police in locating the suspect to inform any nearest police station,” said Inspector Mahoko. Chronicle


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