Wednesday 2 November 2022


WHAT started off as a normal day turned tragic for an 18-year-old and his girlfriend when they were struck by a bolt of lightning on Friday afternoon.

Mashonaland West provincial police spokesperson, Inspector  Margaret Chitove, told H-Metro the incident happened on October 28, at around 4.30pm.

She said the now deceased 18-year-old went to Hunyani River, with his 17-year-old friend, and his 16-year-old girl-friend, and her friend, to do some laundry.

“On their way back, it started raining and the two were struck by a bolt of lightning.

“They were both thrown into a ditch and the boy died on the spot, and the girl complained of painful eyes,” said Insp Chitove.

Chemagamba police attended the scene and the girl was rushed to Chinhoyi Provincial Hospital where she is recuperating.

Police urged members of the public to avoid the use of cellphones when outdoors in the rain.

“People must also avoid seeking shelter under trees and being in open spaces, as the chances of being struck by lightning are very high,” she said. H Metro


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