POLICE, civil servants, traditional chiefs and personnel from parastatals have attended training workshops at the ruling party’s Herbert Chitepo School of Ideology (HCSI), a Zanu PF central committee (CC) report has disclosed.
The report, which was tabled at Zanu PF’s 7th congress in
Harare last month also revealed that a virtual ideology symposium was organised
in 2021 for all State universities and the Robert Gabriel School of
HCSI, also referred to as Chitepo Ideological College, is a
Zanu PF-affiliated institution.
“Two workshops for sergeant majors and officers-in-charge
of police stations were held separately at Ntabazinduna Training Centre near
Bulawayo. Workshops were also held for members of the (police) Support Unit at
Shamva Training Depot and superintendents and above at Morris Depot,” the
report read.
“Since last year, Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional
Services (ZPCS) recruits have been undergoing ideological training at
Ntabazinduna Training Depot as part of their recruit training package. The
trend or practice has become a permanent feature as agreed between the school
and ZPCS.
“Five-day workshops have been held in all provinces for
newly-elected district co-ordinating committee members, traditional leaders and
civil servants so that they work in harmony in pursuit of government
developmental programmes as well as cultivating the spirit of patriotism.
“Three workshops for directors and deputy directors were
held between 2021 and 2022. The Public Service Commission (PSC) requested the
school to hold the workshops as part of its re-orientation programme,” the CC
report read.
The Constitution prohibits traditional leaders from being
members of any political party, participating in partisan politics or acting in
a partisan manner.
“All senior officials of the Local Government and Public
Works ministry went through a basic orientation course as part of PSC (Public
Service Commission) re-orientation training. Three workshops were held in
Harare which also saw provincial development co-ordinators, district
development committees and other provincial and district officials
participating. The workshops culminated in visits to liberation struggle
shrines in Mozambique and Zambia between November 2021 and July 2022.”
The CC report said diplomats attend the basic orientation
course before they are deployed to foreign missions.
“This has been a breakthrough considering their role as
ambassadors of our country in different countries. Two intakes have gone
through ideological training so far this year,” the report added.
Zimbabwe United Passenger Company senior management have
also undertaken ideological training at the Chitepo School of Ideology. Newsday
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