Monday 14 November 2022


PRESIDENT Mnangagwa yesterday commissioned 600 housing units in Harare’s Dzivarasekwa suburb where he pledged to continue strengthening social infrastructure and social safety nets with housing delivery being a specific priority in line with the desire to attain an upper middle class income economy by 2030 anchored on the National Development Strategy 1 (NDS1).

The Head of State and Government said this in a speech read on his behalf by Defence and War Veterans Minister Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri during the commissioning of the housing project built by the National Building Society.

The units, ranging from one-roomed to four-roomed houses, will see low income earners who include civil servants and ordinary persons taking occupation of the houses.

In his keynote address, President Mnangagwa emphasised the importance of housing delivery.

“As you may be aware, housing is the basis of stability and security for an individual or family. It is the centre of our social, emotional and sometimes economic life. As such, a home is a sanctuary, a place to live in peace, security and dignity. International human rights law recognises everyone’s right to an adequate standard of living including adequate housing,” said President Mnangagwa.

He said the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 1966 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural rights recognised housing delivery as part of a right to an adequate standard of living.

“In line with NDS1, my Government is strengthening social infrastructure, and social safety nets with housing delivery being the specific priority. It is also in line with the NBS mandate of contributing to the national housing stock to augment efforts to enhance social security. The Second Republic is addressing the housing backlog and the inadequacies of attendant infrastructure through prioritising citizen’s access to affordable and quality settlement in both urban and rural areas,” said President Mnangagwa.

“Focus is on construction of new housing units such as this Dzivarasekwa project as well as upgrading informal settlements with the necessary basic and social services infrastructure and amenities in order to improve the quality of life.

“As part of my Government efforts to deliver 220 000 housing units, NBS has contributed these 600 houses with different models ranging from one room to four-roomed houses.”

The President noted that the Dzivarasekwa housing project was one of many housing projects that NBS has undertaken to date.

“The society has already delivered close to 2 000 units through the completion of housing projects and provision of mortgage,” he said.

President Mnangagwa said he took pride in the rising number of people being counted among the nation’s home owners and commended NBS for the great work including embracing the densification of housing and adoption of new technologies.

“You have impressed the demand for your mandate to deliver affordable housing through the indiscriminate provision of financial services, I applaud your achievement for completing and commissioning the housing project,” he said.

The President noted the challenges NBS went through in implementing the project given that it was a legacy project.

“I am informed that it is a legacy project which was initially embarked on as an off-taker agreement with a private developer in 2017. Unfortunately, along the way, there were several delays in its implementation for several reasons beyond NBS control.

“Cognisant of the negative circumstances that ensued, I am pleased that concerted efforts were made to conclude the Dzivarasekwa housing project,” he said.

“As you have seen today, the surfacing of roads has been completed along with the sewer and water works. Requisite approval has been obtained from council allowing occupation of the housing units by prospective homeowners. Moreover the compliance certificate process is at an advanced stage and this will lead to the issuance of title deeds.

“I call upon other stakeholders including the private sector and development partners to emulate this initiative to deliver affordable and quality housing and settlement.”

Housing and Social Amenities Minister Daniel Garwe said the commissioning of the housing project dovetailed with the Government’s desire to fulfil fundamental rights.

“It addresses key fundamental rights mainly the right to human dignity, right to clean water and right to shelter. These rights are being fulfilled here,” he said.

Public Service, Labour and Social welfare Minister, Professor Paul Mavima, said the National Social Security Authority investment into the housing project was consistent with the mantra by the President that a country is built by its own citizens (nyika inovakwa nevene vayo.)

“NSSA is not a feeding trough for those who lead it,” he said.

Secretary for Provincial Affairs and Devolution responsible for Harare Metropolitan Province, Mr Tafadzwa Muguti, commended NBS for completing the housing project ahead of the rainy season.

In an interview, Zimbabwe Nurses Association president, Mr Enock Dongo, commended the Government saying more than 50 nurses had benefited from the project, a development that will go a long way in motivating them.

The event was attended by captains of industry, senior Government officials and Zanu PF Harare provincial leadership and supporters. Herald


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