Wednesday 19 October 2022


The alleged mastermind behind the robbery of US$2,7 million and $43 000 in January last year from a ZB Bank vehicle carrying cash has been arrested in Harare after being on the run for almost two years.

Shadreck Njowa was arrested at a house in Highfield where he was hiding after CID Homicide, who deal with serious violent crime, launched a raid.

This leaves just two of the 14 involved still being hunted, the other 12 are now in custody as the police continue keeping the case active and ensuring that no one benefits from the crime.

Sources close to the investigations said Njowa is still in custody and assisting with investigations.

Recently, ZB Bank offered a US$5 000 reward for leads which might result in the arrest of Njowa and his two other accomplices, Patson Matengambiri and Nyasha Chitera, who were then still at large.

No information is yet available to see if the person who turned in Njowa will be receiving the reward, or at least part of it.

The last three wanted were in the company of 11 other gang members who have since been arrested and are on remand pending their trial.

The robbery of the US$2,775 million and $43 000 from a cash-in-transit ZB Bank vehicle was believed to have been an inside job where the three security personnel in the vehicle allegedly connived with robbers to steal the cash.

The three security staff, Nomatter Jonga (43), Mathew Simango (66) and Fanuel Musakwa (34), were arrested and have since appeared at the Harare Magistrates’ Court.

The three were tasked to carry seven boxes containing US$2 775 000 on January 6 last year to ZB branches and deliver to Chinhoyi US$75 000, Kadoma US$25 000, Kwekwe and Gweru US$150 000 each, Bulawayo US$200 000, Gwanda US$50 000 and Zvishavane US$100 000.

They were travelling in a Toyota Hilux single cab with a canopy, secured with a tracker and emergency panic button when what is now considered to be a fake robbery took place at 11,30am at the Gwebi River Bridge along the Harare-Chirundu highway.

The initial allegations given in court were that Jonga, Simango and Musakwa picked up three unknown suspects at the Westgate roundabout in Harare and drove to Inkomo tollgate where they collected a box containing another $43 090 collected in tolls, which was supposed to be deposited at the bank, and then picked up three more men at Inkomo Barracks turn-off as they drove towards Chinhoyi.

Upon reaching the 60km peg, Jonga stopped the vehicle and a fake robbery was staged. The State alleges that an Isuzu twin-cab immediately arrived at the scene with people who were armed with pistols.

Jonga, Simango and Musakwa surrendered their pistol and rifle before driving their Toyota Hilux for about 900 metres where the gang offloaded the cash boxes into the Isuzu which then drove off. Herald


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