Wednesday 12 October 2022


CONTROVERSIAL prophet, Tapiwa Freddy, popularly known as T-Freddy, was yesterday back in court in the matter where he is accusing his ex-girlfriend of extortion.

Radio presenter Rutendo Makuti, Witness Bungu (Chief Chikwaka) and Gibson Jaji appeared before Harare magistrate Yeukai Dzuda, who remanded the matter to November 7.

The trio told the court that they intend to file an application for referral to the Constitutional Court.

The court heard that in 2020, Freddy was in a love affair with Makuti.

During the course of their romance, Makuti allegedly threatened to expose their affair if Freddy did not meet her financial demands.

Chief Chikwaka allegedly accused Freddy of raping Makuti, and of sleeping with her before a year had lapsed, after the death of her husband.

The chief told him to pay something as a sacrifice.

Freddy promised to pay US$15 000 and three goats.

Jaji allegedly threatened to arrest Freddy, during one of his church services, while Chief Chikwaka said he would leak a video of the conversation they had, on social media.

Makuti told Freddy to pay her the money or she would expose him through the controversial Tatelicious.

Freddy filed a police report and Makuti was arrested and she implicated Jaji.

Freddy was tried and acquitted of raping Makuti last year. H Metro


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