Friday 14 October 2022


A PREGNANT Grade Seven learner in the peri-urban community of Rowa just outside Mutare collapsed soon after sitting for her final exam on Monday and was rushed to Victoria Chitepo Provincial Hospital where she is set to undergo Caesarean Section for delivery.

Her name and the name of the school cannot be mentioned to protect the minor.

Ironically, the incident occurred a day before the world united in commemorating the International Day of the Girl Child under the theme “Our time is now—our rights, our future”.

Mutare District Schools Inspector, Mr Crezin Chofamba confirmed the issue and said it was discovered that the young girl was pregnant after her final examination on Monday.

“As a ministry, we value giving access to education to young girls, no matter their circumstances. Questions surrounding her pregnancy should not deter her from accessing education,” he said.

A reliable source at Victoria Chitepo Hospital who requested anonymity citing protocol told The Manica Post that the teenager is admitted at the institution.

He said the child will give birth through Caesarean Section.

“She is admitted at the hospital. The pregnancy has not yet reached the number of months required for delivery, so she will remain in hospital until she undergoes Caesarean Section. Due to her age, she is not able to deliver the baby naturally,” he said.

The incident in Rowa comes hard on the heels of another Grade Seven learner at Murongwe Primary School in Mberengwa East who recently experienced labour pains during her examinations.

The young girl was rushed home where she gave birth.

The incident occurred when learners were sitting for an English Paper Two examination.

The girl, whose name was withheld to protect her since she is a minor , was rushed home before she was ferried to the nearby Murongwe Clinic and gave birth.

The minor was allowed to continue writing her examinations from the clinic with two invigilators supervising her.

The incidences, among many similar ones going unreported, are indicative of the child pregnancies menace.

As the world commemorated the 10th anniversary of the International Day of the Girl Child on October 11, UNICEF released a statement: “The challenges girls in Zimbabwe face remain important, including the risk of becoming pregnant or married at an early age. Adolescent pregnancies and child marriage are widespread in Zimbabwe. One woman out of three is married before the age of 18.

“Child marriage has a devastating impact on the lives of adolescent girls. It disrupts childhood and often leads to early pregnancies with health complications, and school drop-out, preventing girls from developing their full potential.

Zimbabwe’s Marriages Act is expected a positive impact on child marriages and pregnancies. Manica Post


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