Monday 17 October 2022


INDIGENOUS empowerment lobby group, Economic Empowerment Group (EEG), has undertaken to  pay tuition fees for 100  less-privileged students at Chinhoyi University of Technology.

CUT, which is the highest learning institute in the province, recently hiked its fees, much to the dismay of students.

The new proposed fees for School of Engineering is $603 000 while School of Business, Art and Tourism is $403 000.

Last semester, students paid $85 000.

EEG president, Mike Chimombe, told H-Metro that his organisation decided to cushion the students from the fees hike.

Chimombe said it was very important to help students from disadvantaged communities, as a way of ploughing back, into society.

He said EEG values the importance of education, which explains the sponsorship of the students.

He said his organisation was going to spread its wings wider to other provinces in terms of paying fees for less privileged students.

“EEG is very much alive to the fact that education is a pathway to the growth and development of any nation.

“EEG is complementing the Government’s efforts in the education sector by cushioning those students who are facing challenges in paying their school fees.

“Dzidzo inhaka yeupenyu,”said Chimombe.

He said EEG was mooting the idea of catching them young for those in primary school.

“We are soon going to unveil a school fees package for those in primary schools, too,” he said. H Metro


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