Tuesday 18 October 2022


A bogus medical doctor has appeared at Mberengwa Magistrates Court on allegations of defrauding six complainants of amounts totaling US$12 000 after showing them letters stamped by different Government department and Banks which indicated that he had lots of money.

Obediah Mutore (50) who stays at Yorks Business Center’s case went before Mberengwa Magistrate Charity Tonongera. He pleaded guilty and was remanded in custody for sentencing.

Prosecutor Romeo Zibani said the accused had letters with Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (Zimra) date stamps, Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ), High Court and Nedbank and he told his victims that he had a lot of money frozen by Government for political reasons. He then borrowed money from them promising to pay back once the freeze on his accounts was lifted.

In July 2022 at Yorks Business Centre, Mutore told Itai Chibaye (43) that he was a doctor in South Africa and was transferring his cash into Zimbabwe but his account was frozen by Government for political reasons.  He asked for financial assistance from Chibaye to do paper work so he could get back his cash. He promised to pay interest on the borrowed sum.

On different occasions, Chibaye gave the accused cash that totaled US$1 900. The cash was not returned and Chibaye reported the matter to Police leading to the arrest of Mutore on October 11, 2022.

He used the fake documents and statements to get cash from five other people.

In January 2022 he asked for cash from Evidence Nyathi and he received different amounts totaling US$850.

In February he received US$3 608 from Takazviona Madadigwa and US$4 500 from Sakudzo Salenda from Village 9 Greenspan.

In July 2022 he was given US$900 by Musiiwa Sithole (32) residing at Yorks Business Center and US$250 by Tatenda Manyiwa (27) residing at Mberengwa Low Density and employed at Mudhomboyi Butchery, Mberengwa. The complainants reported their cases after hearing that Mutore was arrested for various fraud cases. Nothing was recovered.

Mutore was released from prison last year after serving time for some fraud cases. Masvingo Mirror


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