Thursday 13 October 2022


A MINISTRY of Health and Child Care employee, who is facing criminal abuse of duty allegations, was yesterday placed on remand from his hospital bed by Harare magistrate Dennis Mangosi.

The court convened at the hospital where Henry Mushuku is admitted.

The court heard that on October 6, the complainant went to Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals where she wanted a post-mortem done on her child.

She met Mushuku at the entrance and he told her that he could assist. The pathologist, he said, charged US$80.

The complainant negotiated to bring the figure down to US$70, which she gave to Emmanuel Mazhonga, who in turn handed the money to Mushuku, along Sam Nujoma Street.

Mushuku allegedly promised the complainant that the post-mortem would be ready on October 10.

On Monday, Mushuku sent the grieving mother a text message saying the post-mortem was ready.

However, she was told no such post-mortem was done when she inquired from the hospital.

She reported the matter to the police, leading to the arrest of Mushuku, at his home.

Pardon Dziva appeared for the State. H Metro


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