Friday 14 October 2022


USHEWOKUNZE Apostolic Faith Mission (AFM) Assembly has been closed over adultery allegations, between its married pastor, and a married congregant.

 Liberty Mutude was reported to have led some of the community members, who included intoxicated men, to attack his church leader, Reverend Tawanda Utete.

 They were accusing him of bedding Liberty’s wife of 13 years, Nancy Mutude.

Nancy was ordered to pack her belongings and Rev Utete has since resigned.

Rev Utete’s adulterous affair was reported to have been unearthed by his wife, following love messages she found, in the man of cloth’s mobile phone.

One of  Mutude’s relatives confirmed the incident, saying Liberty is not yet at liberty to give his side of the story.

 “We teamed up with some of our community members and forced the assembly to close,” said the relative.

 “The pastor’s wife is the one who discovered the illicit affair and phoned Mutude urging him to warn his wife over bedding her husband.

 “He recorded the conversations and we discovered that Rev Utete has turned the assembly into a place to choose girls and married women.

 “We could not wait, we disturbed the service and my relative’s wife has since packed all her belongings.”

 Rev Utete’s wife told H-Metro that the disturbance took place while she was about to arrive at the assembly.

 “Yes, there was a disturbance that took place at our assembly,” she said refusing to identify self.

 “My husband is the one who can furnish you with all details. He is not around since he had other businesses to carry out besides pastoral duties,” she said.

 Nancy and the Reverend could not be reached for their side of the story.

 However, H-Metro is reliably informed that Rev Utete’s resignation letter has been endorsed by church authorities.

Congregants were advised to meet at cell groups until further notice.

 The church premises were locked and a caretaker was assigned to keep chairs and the pulpit safe. H Metro


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