Friday 14 October 2022


Zanu PF Central Committee elections held last week on Saturday saw new blood being fused into the ruling party’s highest decision-making body outside Congress.

The fusion of new turks and the tried and tested old guard is expected to give the revolutionary party a new impetus ahead of the 2023 harmonised elections.

Although the polls had their fair share of irregularities in some districts, the outcome was widely accepted by candidates and their supporters.

The focus is now on uniting the party ahead of the main elections next year.

Zanu PF Manicaland provincial chairman, Cde Mike Madiro said every election had a winner and at this juncture, the party should swiftly pick up the pieces, unite supporters and build a strong support base.

New brooms elected into the Central Committee include Information, Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services Minister, Dr Jenfan Muswere, who amassed the majority votes in Makoni; Cde Gijima Nyashanu (Buhera), Dr Win Mlambo, Cde Dorothy Mabika, Cde Julie Faira and Cde Charity Bhila (all in Chipinge).

Cde Misheck Mugadza also got the most votes in Mutare, while Cde Admire Mahachi and Cde Joel Mureremba (Zimunya-Marange) and Cde Chido Sanyatwe (Nyanga North) were voted into the Central Committee.

Some of the old guard who bounced back include Cdes Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri, Patrick Chinamasa, Mike Madiro, Tongesai Shadreck Chipanga, Joshua Sacco, William Mutomba, Joseph Chinotimba, Moses Gutu, Supa Mandiwanzira, Isau Mupfumi and Judith Mawire.

The elections claimed the scalps of legislators, Cdes Enock Porusingazi (Chipinge South), Soul Nzuma (Buhera West) and Cde Chris Mushohwe.

Cde Madiro said the party should emerge from the polls more united and tolerant as the process was meant to enhance internal participatory democracy, avoid imposition of candidates and minimise disgruntlement within its rank and file.

He said the party should therefore work hard to forge genuine, and not contrived unity to avoid the reincarnation of the “Bhora musango” phenomenon which seek to give away leadership of the country to opposition parties.

He said elected leaders should use this opportunity to serve and rejuvenate Zanu PF, not to devise deceptive ways to enrich themselves.

“It is high time our cadres realise the purpose of elections as a methodology or model of allocating responsibilities in the party and also in terms of the values and beliefs of the party, which encapsulates our ideological grounding.

“That (understanding) is seriously lacking as people do not appreciate why this (election) is done. However, we do not expect to see fundamental deficiencies in the values and beliefs system as a result of the elections,” said Cde Madiro.

“At the end of the day, people should understand why they are asked to represent people. Let us be focused. Those who succeeded in the Central Committee elections are deployed there for the purpose of the party and those who did not succeed should understand that it is not the end of the world. They will be deployed somewhere else because the field is so wide and the responsibilities are so many,” said Cde Madiro.

He said the mixture of new and old horses should significantly improve Zanu PF’s chances at the 2023 polls as this resonates well with the New Dispensation’s thrust to improve the party and country’s battered image, revamp the economy and open Zimbabwe for business.

Meanwhile, all roads will tomorrow (Saturday) lead to Mutasa South for the double victory celebrations for Mutasa South legislator, Cde Misheck Mugadza, who is still basking in his victory in the March 26 by-elections and now his election into the Central Committee.

President Mnangagwa is expected to grace the celebrations as well as commission a state-of-art classroom block and a computer laboratory at Beaulieu Primary School in Ward 22.

Cde Mugadza wrestled the Mutasa South seat from the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change during the March 26 by-elections.

Once a dilapidated farm house that was serving as a satellite school for Tsvingwe Primary School, Beaulieu Primary School has sprouted into a beauty whose eye-catching structures are turning heads of visitors to the institution.

The school has an enrolment of more than 200 learners, a figure which is expected to rise following its massive sprucing up.

Entertainment will be awash as top local musicians, including Tryson Chimbetu, Chief Hwenje, Hosiah Chipanga and Hungwe Stars, among others, will keep people on their feet. Manica Post




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