Sunday 23 October 2022


AS Zimbabwe hurtles towards the 2023 elections Zanu PF registered an emphatic victory against opposition pretenders in the by-elections held over the weekend in what the party and observers said is a harbinger of what is to come next year.

The ruling party won in five of the six by-elections held on Saturday, sounding a “death knell” to the opposition that analysts say has nothing to offer to the electorates hence the poll routing.

By-elections, the last before the next general elections dates of which will be proclaimed by President Mnangagwa, were held in Buhera Ward 24, Mutare Ward 18 in Manicaland, Midlands’ Takawira Ward 6 and, Mashonaland Central’s Ward 4 in Guruve and also in Insiza Ward 4, Matobo Ward 2 both in Matabeleland South.

The margins of victory left the ruling party Zanu PF brimming with confidence. For instance, in Insiza Zanu PF’s Cde Daniel Dube won with 578 votes against CCC candidate Mr Augustine Gumede’s 415.

Cde Fadreck Siwela in Matobo got 934 votes to defeat Mr Sindiso Ngwenya of CCC who got a mere 270 votes.

It was the same script in Buhera where Cde Enest Muzokomba garnered 1 265 votes to win the seat for Zanu PF with his challenger Mr Joram Muzamba of CCC getting 692.

In Guruve Cde Season Chiguma of Zanu PF won the seat with 1 135 votes, defeating Mr Francis Wonder Kudyahakudarikwi of CCC who polled a measly 114 votes.

In Takawira Cde Winny Netsai Dzingira polled 594 to defeat Amos Marevengwa of CCC who got 314 votes.

The opposition got its consolation in Mutare where its candidate Mr Blessing Murindashaka of CCC pipped Cde Loveness Chiwashira with just a small margin.

In an interview, Zanu PF spokesperson Cde Chris Mutsvangwa said the victory recorded over the weekend portends to the demise of the opposition and the surging popularity of Zanu PF, whose sole presidential candidate President Mnangagwa is implementing transformative development that has found resonance with the populace.

“We very much welcome these victories by HE President EDM and Zanu PF his party of the Zimbabwe revolution. They are coming at a juncture when ZEC has announced an indicative July-August 2023 time-frame of the National Harmonised Elections. Clearly the by-election outcome is a real life straw poll of the mood of the national electorate.

“The message of hope and prosperity of President Mnangagwa which is anchored by tangible and all-round deliveries in the economic and financial sectors is chiming and galvanising the populace.

“One man band Chamisa stands starkly warned. His rudderless secret society of a CCC party is facing the kiss of political death come 2023.”

By and large Zanu PF won by big margins, in a bold statement ahead of next year elections and in what could foretell the outcome of next year elections.

Observers say while Zanu PF has been able to market itself to the masses the CCC led by Mr Nelson Chamisa has operated largely as a mafia organisation without organisation structures that should Inform its policies as well as strategies. Herald


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