Monday 19 September 2022


TWO policemen, stationed at the CID Drugs and Narcotics unit, appeared in court over the weekend to answer charges of criminal abuse of office.

They allegedly received US$70 trap money, as a bribe, to testify in favour of a suspected drug dealer.

Shinnon Mhloro and Fortune Simbarashe Matoma were arrested and appeared in court over the weekend.

The complainant is the State, represented by Inspector Gibson Mupangai, from Police General Headquarters Internal Investigations.

The court heard that some time in March, the two were part of the team that arrested Titus Sangila and Simbarashe Chaendera for unlawful possession of dangerous drugs.

It is alleged that on September 14, the now informant, Chaendera, approached the PGHQ Internal offices, after the duo had demanded a bribe of US$1 000, from him.

The money was to ensure that they would testify in his favour in court.

Chaendera allegedly took US$70, which would be used, to trap the two cops.

On September 15, Inspector Gibson Mupangai, applied for a trap certificate.

He was accompanied by Assistant Inspectors Demba and Chituni and Sergeant Tazviguta to execute the trap at the Harare Magistrates’ Court.

Upon arrival at the court, Chaendera met Matoma, who indicated that the money should be given to Mihloro, who was upstairs.

Chaendera went upstairs and gave the trap money to Mihloro and gave a signal to the police.

The duo refused to sign the trap authority, after the money was recovered from them.

Malvin Mapako appeared on behalf of the duo. H Metro


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