Tuesday 20 September 2022


A young from Matinyenya Village under Chief Nhema who is suspected to be possessed by some spirits has been arraigned before Shurugwi Magistrate Percy Mukumba facing arson charges after he allegedly torched four homesteads.

On the second count, Tinashe Machando (21) is accused of unlawful entry and theft. So far he is said to have torched four different homesteads.

He appeared in court on Tuesday last week being charged of Malicious Injury to Property and two of unlawful entry.

Prosecutor Tafadzwa Makotore told the court that sometime in April this year Machando entered Clever Zireva’s shop at Hanke Business Center and took away cellphones, Bluetooth speakers and 35 batteries which he was later caught selling at Tongogara Growth Point.

On the second count he set Etina Zireva’s kitchen hut on fire before running away. He entered another house through the window and stole US$50.

Zireva said the community suspects that the accused is possessed since he is in the habit of setting people’s houses on fire without any provocation.

“I think this young man is possessed with evil spirits. My hut which he burnt is the fourth one and his parents are busy preparing to renovate the house for me. He moves around stealing and burning people’s houses for no reason. After setting houses on fire, he comes the next morning to confess and apologize,” said Zireva.

Machando was remanded in custody to September 27, 2022. Masvingo Mirror



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