Friday 16 September 2022


Mangwe Constituency MP, Hlalani Mguni’s daughter Simphiwe Mguni has won a US$1 000 first place prize at the Second Edition of Matebeleland South Tourism Innovation Challenge Prize Giving and Youth Capacitation Program held at Peter’s Motel in Beitbridge recently

The competition which is for participants from age groups between 20 and 30 years is organised by Zimbabwe Tourism Authority (ZTA) in order to urge youth to come up with initiatives and ideas on promoting tourism.

Matelebeland South Permanent Secretary for Provincial Affairs and Devolution Dlamini Maseko was the guest of honour. She said she was happy to see youth coming up with brilliant ideas.

Mguni beat five other competitors in a programme where participants were required to come up with projects ideas that are innovative to the tourism industry.

“The purpose of this competition was for youths to come up with the best projects to spice up and innovate tourism,” said Bertha Mutowembwa, an area manager of ZTA.

The project that carried the day for Mguni, a Law student at Western Cape University was titled; Social Media Campaign. She encouraged the use of social media to advertise food and all the scenery in order to realise increased sales in businesses.

The second prize went to Leslie Obert Boora, an Information and Marketing Systems student with Midlands State University who lives in Beitbridge. He received a certificate for his project titled “VAKATSHA”.

The third prize went to a team of students from Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo Polytechnic studying for a diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Management. They ran a project called “Food Tourism”. Its objectives were to woo tourists travelling from South Africa to Victoria Falls on ROVOS train to buy local food on the journey.

The awards were sponsored by ZTA. Masvingo Mirror


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